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Sunday, May 13, 2012

Human Rights is a birth right for every one. Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 15 states : Everyone has the right to a nationality. Article 18 : Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance. Article 19 : Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; and so on.

In regards Bnei Menashe, there has been conspiracies and impending clarifications. Some people opposed to the idea of Lost tribe even after providing variable information which stands as most effective way of recognizing Bnei Menashe. Another indulges in giving false propaganda to beautify their speech and to strengthen their evil goals of holding high profile. Yet, others, with little or no knowledge of history and without any efforts of research, deny the result of the claim made by someone who has been researching for the past 30 years!. Some even sarcastically comments about us being a Jews, when we acknowledge the fact that we are Jews.

For 30 years, we have been providing clear information regarding Chin-Kuki-Mizo as Bnei Menashe. But there are still many who cannot digest even in a laymen's language. Discussion on this subject leads to argument  and it goes on. After analyzing several sites and magazines, I came across several points which needs to be clarify to help the perplexed - for those who cannot change their minds to accept Bnei Menashe.

Let us clarify some cases of conspiracies held against Bnei menashe, especially in India:

1) We are Bnei Menashe (Mannasi in Kuki), one of the Lost tribe of Israel. This claim is officially approved by Chief Rabbi of Israel in 2005. No one has the right to argue against his declaration. Accept it or not, but the world knows us as one of the Lost Tribe. Decision lies in you.

2) If someone negate the claim no. 1, let secularism play its role. India is a secular state, so, the tribal in the North Eastern have changed their religion to Christianity with the coming of the British and no one has the right to dispute it, (but here we must remind ourselves that our forefather, who believed and practice the way of their forefathers are against Christianity in the past.) So, any person has the right to worship and change his religion. So do the Chin-Kuki-Mizo changes their belief to Christian and next to Judaism.

3) If someone deny claim no. 2, let us consider Universal Human Rights Declaration Article 18 Everyone has freedom to change his religion or belief. According to this, the  Chin-Kuki-Mizo or any person can change his religion or belief and no one has the right to give provocative remarks on him.

4) We are the lost tribe of Israel and we have the right to immigrate to our ancestral land. Why critize immigration of Bnei Menashe to Israel when everyone knows that there are Chin-Kuki-Mizo immigrating in New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Australia, UK, USA and other European countries? We the Bnei Menashe are more connected with our culture and tradition in Israel more than any other countries where the Chin-Kuki-Mizo immigrate, because Israel is the only place where more numbers of  Chin-Kuki-Mizo lived outside India. More organized and socially active.

5) We have been menaseh for thousands of years and if we don't retain for our self, who will retain it for us. Some people rebut that the name Menasseh cannot be Manmassi, or that we cannot be the tribe of Menasseh or we cannot be the lost tribe. If someone confute this, well, Article 15 of UDHR states : Everyone has the right to a nationality. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality nor denied the right to change his nationality.

6) A Jew is any person whose mother was a Jew or any person who has gone through the formal process of conversion to Judaism. In strictest term, Bnei Menashe is any Chin-Kuki-Mizo who practice Judaism, in general term, Bnei Menashe includes any Chin-Kuki-Mizo practicing Christian, Islam, Hindu, Judaism etc. Jews actually are not a race, it is a culture, Judaism is in the mind, not your blood. You can convert to Judaism an be a 100% full Jew no matter your color or race. Why provoke Jews when we read their history from the bible from childhood? or the Bible treated as Moral Science by every Christian. Why not join the winner.

7) Like it or not, but increasing number of Bnei Menashe turns towards Judaism from Christianity. Today the number is growing. To bear in mind that the Bnei Menashe did not immigrate for material prosperity, but to serve Him and His will.

Finally, if anyone still refutes it, then it is universal truth that the world hates Jews and the Jews are fully aware of it.  But again, the above points are produced for the perplexed who just deny the existence of Menasseh as Chin-Kuki-Mizo or who bluntly confront us with little degree of knowledge. So lets close the chapter of hatred, jealousy and criticism among ourselves. We all know that we won't back again. So, let us choose to accept the things that we cannot change.

We considered as Bnei Menashe and if there is person who does not accept us as Lost Tribe, then considered us as a Convert Jews. 

Case Closed.

We are Bnei Menasseh and we are coming to Israel!
May Hashem protect us and hasten the redemption of the Exiled!



Monday, May 7, 2012

It is not a surprised when one is is asked of who he is in Israel. Neither do I, when people gazed at me with Kippah in my head and a Tallit waiving down. This is the only way to be distinct from identity crisis we have here with the Thailandis and Phillipines. Identity crisis in Israel an aged old problem. You can't say who actually is a Jews unless he has a kippah on it. Israel is country where Jews from all parts of the world unite under one roof. There are Jews from Europe, US, Russia, Indian Jews, the Ethiopian, the Kaifeng Jews etc. Each has its own unique culture and their feature are similar to where they came from. So do the Bnei Menashe from India, who, but bears a look of Thailandis or Filipinos. There are those people who are amused when they see a Asian looking people with a kipah. However in recents years after aliyah of 2007, most of Bnei menashe scattered to live in different parts of Israel like Ma'alot, Afula, Sderot, Beth-el, Carmiel etc, there has been an increased in area of recognition by many people living around them.

The best way to curb with this situation is for every Bnei Menashe to put a kipah wherever they go or whatever they do. The truth is that, the Bnei Menashe are zionist and to put on a kipah doesn't really means they are religious. However, I may say that 97% of Bnei Menashe are religious-Zionist. Most youngsters may refused to ignore putting a kipah on their head even if they are not really religious. Because that differentiate us from a similar feature looking people - The Thais and the Filipinos. An Asian looking people with a kipah on their head is automatically Bnei Menashe even if that person is a Thailandi. So, There is a need for expanding circles of Bnei Menashe Identity.

Do we really need any symbols to signify that we are Jews? Some Bnei Menashe are proud to be Judaism nonetheless, some wears kipah (head-covering), some mezuzah, tallit etc. But I felt the need to in advertise ourselves in someway or the other for the fact that we are Jewish as we integrating into Jewish society. Because, its hard for us to identify ourselves in the midst of crowding of features similar to us.

Previous immigration of Bnei menashe to Israel occurred in several stages. The latest phase in late 2007 transformed the society of Bnei Menashe in Israel. Numerically, the community is relatively small, with some 2700 individuals currently in Israel; at the maximum it could reach 7900 (to take the most generous estimate of the number of Bnei Menashe practicing Judaism in India.) About 95% of them are literate and they doesn't have any problem in integrating with host society.

Hashem's willing we will resume our aliyah program this year and more of our brethren will join us in this Holy Land. With more number of strength, we will one day be free to roam about Israel proudly as Bnei Menashe son of Yoseph the Righteous.

May Hashem be with us and hasten the redemption of the exiled.



Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Aliyah: Earn It!

Every Bnei Menashe living in India wants to make aliyah sooner than the other. Few of them realized the idea of Aliyah, especially for Bnei Menashe that it needs to Earn it. I have been asked of how I came to Israel with a 10 years tourist visa permit! Yes you heard it clear, Ten Years! tourist Visa. I Earned it.

Those were days when I pray with tears and 15 years of rigorous practice of religious Judaism and those days when I sang for the love of The Land and pray to see during my days. How I love to see the Land and how I wonder on how to be there, yearning and thriving, seeking every means to be in Israel, those sufferings were convereted into merits accumulated. These are the values that I earned in those years for myself which brought me here.

No one have the rights to criticised another in regards to someone junior to him in Judaism made aliyah first. We don't know what their background is. They may have earned the merit in some way or other, better than you to made aliyah first. Hashem knows! Everything is for the best. The moment you look at things from a personal angle there is sorrow. View the same thing from a larger perspective and peace prevails.

To critized someone because of you not making aliyah is a grave sin.This indicates you weakness to rely on whom you pray to him every day - Master of the Universe. One needs to realzed where one stands and should make effort to Earn the ways to making aliyah. Why criticise someone when you are not worthy enough.

Hashem willing, Aliyah for Bnei Menashe may be within a year. You may see on the list some who practise Judaism a year or two and or some one who you think is not fit under religious ground. Do not be rediculous to him, he is on the list because his father or grand father might have earned it for him, but you, you have earn it yourself. Unburden yourself from this ego.

As we all know, Shavei Israel is going to conduct the selection procedure, which everyone think is the best instead of entrusting it to community leaders. Because that would cause chaos and confusion within the community. If your name does not appears on the list, do not get annoy, Shavei Israel chairman, Michael Freund will keep his words and it will be within 5 years when you will see handfull of Bnei Menashe practising Judaism left in Manipur, like the Cochin Jews.

The mode of selecting families for aliyah by Shavei Israel may rest on the idea of Seniority based. Most people think its the best. Even though some members of bnei menashe practice Judaism for 30 years still living in India, they actually may not practise for the sake of Judaism. Some pretend to be Religious under the pretext of coming to Israel, yet the other who are new to religious Judaism may be given preference for the fact that they are more attached to religious Judaism then the seniors.

"Freund's List" is yet to be released, however we, the bnei menashe needs to know that we need to Earn it.
Let's pray for speedy redemption of Israel in exile.


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